Are Democratic Innovations Changing Bureaucracy? New Podcast Episode
Stephen Elstub and I joined Roberto Falanga on Episode 4 of the Democratic Innovations Podcast to discuss the implications of democratic innovations for public administration.
Changing Bureaucracy? Episode 4 of the Democratic Innovations Podcast
In this episode, we focus on the role that Democratic Innovations play within democratic systems, with a particular emphasis on public administration. Together with Prof. Stephen Elstub and Dr. Rikki Dean, we reflect on trade-offs and opportunities. Bureaucracy is not the only answer, and public administration is not synonymous with bureaucracy. Public officials should be acknowledged as key actors capable of driving change, and the power they hold in their hands can indeed make things happen. But is that all? What are we missing in the constellations of networked actors that influence political decision-making today? There is no innovation in democracy without organization, and public administration is there to make innovation possible.