Researching Democratic Systems

Latest Posts

  • Political Process Preferences in Europe: Rethinking Conceptual, Ontological and Methodological Foundations – A New Project
    My project Political Process Preferences in Europe: Rethinking Conceptual, Ontological and Methodological Foundations (or PoPPiE for short) has been funded as one of the 2024 European Research Council Starting Grants. Below is a short description of what the project is about.
  • Postdoc Postion at the Democratic Innovations Research Unit
    Brigitte Geissel is currently hiring for a position in the Democratic Innovations Research Unit. This is my old job and I had a great experience, so I highly recommend applying. Job advert is below
  • Spotlighting the Backstage Governance of Citizens Assemblies
    Most attention on citizens assemblies understandably focuses on what happens on stage. What do the participants discuss and how deliberative are their interactions? But what happens on stage is in large part shaped by what is happening behind the scenes – for example, who decides what the agenda for discussion is, and how? In a new report from the Global Citizens’ Assemblies Network (GloCAN), we examine these backstage governance practices in cases from across the world and ask what they tell us about how to organise a global assembly.
  • Are Democratic Innovations Changing Bureaucracy? New Podcast Episode
    Stephen Elstub and I joined Roberto Falanga on Episode 4 of the Democratic Innovations Podcast to discuss the implications of democratic innovations for public administration.

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